How do I connect to Curio?

Using an institutional email address 

  1. You must enter your institutional email address on the login page.
  2. We will send a unique verification code to this email address. This code is different from the school code you used on the old platform. (It may take a few minutes for you to receive it) 
  3. You will then need to enter this verification code on the login page. 
  4. You will then have the option to answer a few questions to personalize your Curio experience.

After the first login, the site will automatically recognize your device for 90 days. You will not need a verification code during this period unless you manually log out.

Using a Single sign-on authentication (SSO)

  1. Click on the login button. (Google or Microsoft depending on your school's email) 
  2. Select the account associated with your school. 
  3. Curio will validate the login. 
  4. You will then have the option to answer a few questions to personalize your Curio experience.

After the first login, the site will automatically recognize your device for 90 days. You will not need a verification code during this period unless you manually log out.

Using a proxy 

Some institutions provide a connection through proxy to ensure that their users can connect with their school IDs. This connection does not allow the user to create an account. To verify the different connection methods available to you based on your institution, please find your institution

Using a different device

If you were using another device to verification Curio, you will need to request another passcode to authenticate on that device. As a security measure, you will need to redo this authentication process every 90 days.

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